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Working at a desk all day puts enormous pressure on your lower back, but with AIRHAWK Office Chair Cushions you can avoid the stiffness, soreness and lower back pain that is commonly associated with sitting in a sedentary position.

We all know what happens when employees are not comfortable, loss of productivity, sick days increase and OH&S issues are then raised. All of this can be reduced through the use of AIRHAWK Office Chair Cushions. Each one contains a series of interconnected air cells that mimic the properties
of water with their Dry Floatation Technology.

OVC Cushion for Office Chairs

AIRHAWK OVC Multipurpose Cushion
(Product Code OVC)
This product is made with clinically proven technology which mimics the properties of floating on water – without getting wet! It’s shape and size make it extremely versatile.

430mm wide x 480mm long.

*60 day Money Back Guarantee

Express Delivery in Australia & New Zealand available

Original price was: $239.00.Current price is: $209.00. inc. GST.

OVC Cushion Leather Upgrade

AIRHAWK OVC Multipurpose Cushion
(Product Code OVCL)
This product is made with clinically proven technology which mimics the properties of floating on water – without getting wet! It’s shape and size make it extremely versatile.

430mm wide x 480mm long.

*60 day Money Back Guarantee

Express Delivery in Australia & New Zealand available

Original price was: $268.00.Current price is: $238.00. inc. GST.

Here’s why AirHawk® is better

The AIRHAWK advantage is in the patented technology which,

  • Redistributes weight away from pressure points to improve blood flow, relieving pain and discomfort.
  • Absorbs shock and vibration, reducing jarring and fatigue.
  • Provides a medium between you and the seat, allowing you to adopt a comfortable posture instead of conforming to the shape of the seat.
  • Aids in the prevention and healing of certain common types of ulcers
  • Doesn’t degrade or lose shape over time like gel or foam
  • Scientifically tested and proven in 100+ medical trials and papers

The Pressure Maps above show the difference between seat cushions that use Air Cell Technology and ordinary memory foam or gel cushions.

Do you see the red and yellow areas in the standard cushion on the left? Those are uncomfortable “pressure points” that cause pain after hours of sitting.

Now, look at the Airhawk® cushion on the right. As you can see, there are NO pressure points. Air Cell Technology evenly distributes your weight for improved circulation and comfort.